We help kids fly

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About Us

We ain to introduce the world of aviation to school going children, by creating a fun learning environment usuing visual, audio, video, story telling, song, feel, touch, experiment & imaginationexperiences within a controlled environment.

Our Mission

To inculcate a love for aviation, one child at a time.

Our Vision

To explore the aviation world through adventure and fun!

What we offer


Lessons include, aeronautical engineering, drones, robotics & coding in relation to aviation, prohibited goods, aviation etiquette, aviation careers, stem in relation to aviation, how to fly aircrafts, how to use a simulator, air space control, ground school, cabin crew and aviation legalities.

Learning Materials

We provide story books, poems, books, art, drones, VR lenses, pane simulator, model aeroplanes, model engines and screens.


Engage and talk on aviation careers, Meet Aviation Professionals, Prepare kids for an Aviation career, Explore career funding and young pilots


Birthday pakages, holiday & exchangement programme, airport tours and aircraft rides

Testimonials Words

What my clients say.

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